目前分類:OG咖啡報馬仔 (10)

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拳擊史上最大盛事~拳王梅威瑟(Floyd Mayweather)與OG咖啡經銷商帕奎奧(Manny Pacquiao)世紀大對決

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中國開放直銷春天已經來臨 !

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a123s99 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Organo Gold (OG) has inaugurated their new International Headquarters in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada with not one but two special blessing ceremonies. One special blessing was a traditional Chinese Feng Shui blessing and the other was a traditional Christian blessing ceremony. Of course, blessings of new homes and businesses is an ancient tradition in cultures and faiths around the world.

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